Monday, April 11, 2016

#22 - Bonne continuation!

This is a simple one, but I really like it.  "Bonne continuation!" is a form of farewell and it means just what it sounds like: "Have a good continuation!"

Now all the English speakers are probably scratching their heads and thinking, "A good continuation of what?"  But that's just the point!  You can use this phrase for almost anything.  Generally, when you're not going to see someone again for a while (or ever), bonne continuation is a just nice way to wish them well as they continue doing...whatever.  In English, probably the nearest equivalent would be "I wish all you the best for the future," but that's long and really formal: nobody actually says that!  More importantly, it lacks the bouncy optimism of "Bonne continuation!"

Although the idea of "Bonne continuation!" is easy to understand, when exactly are you supposed to use it? 
  • At the end of the school year, I wished all my students a "Bonne continuation!"
  • When I left my old job for a new one, my old colleagues all wished me a "Bonne continuation!" (in your career)
  • When I've collaborated with other musicians on a performance project, after we finished and were ready to go our separate ways, we wished each other "Bonne continuation!"  (in your music)
  • When I was a student, telling a stranger about my studies, that person bid me farewell by saying "Bonne continuation!"  (in your studies)
  • When I told my doctor that I would be moving away soon, she wished me a "Bonne continuation!" (in your life)
Overall, this phrase is a simple, professional way of saying good bye and good luck.  In similar situations in English, I tend to say, "Take care" or "Good luck," but I really prefer bonne continuation--it's not just about luck or taking care of yourself.   It's about turning a new page and pursuing your goals as you continue down the long winding road of your life.

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